Installation This document provides basic information for the installation, configuration and usage of Tstat and the Bayesian framework for Skype traffic identification. A more general description of the program as well as other documentation can be found in the Tstat homepage Requirements Operating System Tstat is tested on "Linux" systems (currently "Ubuntu", "Debian", "RedHat", and "CentOS", using "2.x" and "3.x" kernels), and on "Mac OS X" (starting from 10.6 "Snow Leopard" to the current 10.10 "Yosemite"). It includes support for compilation for "Android", and has been reported working on "OpenWRT". It should work under "FreeBSD", "NetBSD", and other "unix-like" systems, (although we don't have any of those platforms for testing purposes). If you are able to run Tstat on other OSes, we'll be happy to include them in the list. System Libraries Tstat requires, by itself, a few library that should already be installed on your system, such as "libpcap" (available from ) and the DAG drivers (available from ), in case you use such hardware. With these libraries, you are ready to capture and process the traffic flowing in your LAN. Since Tstat might use pthread to improve the performance in case of real time analysis, your system must support POSIX threads as well if you want to profit of this feature. However, keep in mind that threaded execution is only an optional feature, and is necessary only for online traffic analysis, so that this is not a strict requirement: for this reason, threading is disabled by default. Finally, to use the RRD functionalities, you also need to have a working installation of RRDtool (available from ). Quick Install Assuming that you want version "3.x.y": wget tar -xzvf tstat-3.x.y.tar.gz cd tstat-3.x.y ./ ./configure [--enable-libtstat] [--enable-zlib] make make install (with root privileges) This commands install a executable file named "tstat" in "/usr/local/bin". Complete control of Building The most important elements in the Tstat's package are: tstat/ tstat-conf/ libtstat/ include/ libtstat-demo/ doc/ doc/HOWTO README AUTHORS NEWS INSTALL ChangeLog The "tstat" directory contains the source code of Tstat which is also the default building target. Beside Tstat it can also be compiled the "Libtstat", a shared library which allows to an external program to access to the traffic analysis functions of Tstat. In the "include" directory there is the header file of the library instead in the "libtstat-demo" directory there is a simple program of example that shows how to use the Libtstat (see "Libtstat library" for more information about the Libtstat API). The building of the Libtstat library is disabled by default but is provided a configuration option to control this feature ./configure --enable-libtstat # build tstat, libtstat and libtstat-demo ./configure # build only tstat It is possible, if "Zlib" is found on the system, to compile Tstat to support the direct creation of zlib compressed logs and dump files. ./configure --enable-zlib # build tstat with zlib support At the end of "configure" is printed a small report: ------------------------------------------------- tstat Version 3.0 -lpcap -lpthread -lm -lrrd -lz Prefix: '/usr/local' Package features: - pcap yes - zlib yes - rrd yes - libtstat no ------------------------------------------------- This indicate if the libtstat has been selected or not for the building and if either "Librrd" or "Zlib" were found in the system, in which case they are automatically added in building the project. Tstat's source code uses some preprocess definition to enable/disable some features, like for example the DAG support which is disabled by default. These definitions are declared in the "tstat/Makefile.conf" each with a specific description about its purpose so it should be easy change to behaviour in the building process commenting/uncommenting some lines. * NB: remember to run "autoreconf" from the root of the package every time a change in these file is performed!!! The building of Libtstat is separated from the building of Tstat so "libtstat/Makefile.conf" file defines the set of option specific for the Libtstat, while "tstat/Makefile.conf" is specific for Tstat. In the directory "tstat-conf" there are some examples of configuration files needed by Tstat; for example the set of local addresses (-N option), the configuration of the histograms (-H), RRD tool (-R), runtime (-T) and bayesian framework (-B). In the directory "doc" there are some plain text files that describes the format of logs files generated by the analysis and in "doc/HOWTO" there is howto document in different file formats. "README", "AUTHORS", "INSTALL", "NEWS" and "ChangeLog" instead are plain files that describes some general information about the package like the authors, the last new features of the tools, etc... Complete control of Installation The default "prefix" for installation is "/usr/local" so Tstat executable in installed in "/usr/local/bin" and Libtstat is installed in "/usr/local/lib". Anyway a different "prefix" can be specified at configuration time ./configure --prefix=/absolute/path/where/install/tstat Libtstat-demo is only a demonstration tool so is build only a local executable that is not installed. Libtstat is provided with "pkg-config" support so a "libtstat.pc" is installed in "/usr/lib/pkg-config" and typing pkg-config --cflags --libs libtstat it should appears an output like -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lm -lpthread -lpcap -lrrd that indicates the "CFLAGS" and "LIBS" options used in the building process. Usage There are few things to know to run Tstat: first, you are required to have a knowledge of the network that you want to monitor. Second, there are the few options that are described in this section. Synopsis Tstat primary usage is as a command-line tool; the synopsis of the command is the following: Usage: tstat [-htuvwpgSL0] [-d[-d]] [-s dir] [-N file] [-C file] [-Y file] [--keyvalue key | --keyfile file | --keybase64 file] [-W file] [-B bayes.conf] [-T runtime.conf] [-G globals.conf] [-z file] [-A mask] [-H ?|file ] [-6] [-F file] [-Z] [-P] [-r RRD_out_dir] [-R rrd_conf] [-l] [-i interface] [-E snaplen] [-f filterfile] Options: -h: print this help and exit -t: print ticks showing the trace analysis progress -u: do not trace UDP packets -v: print version and exit -w: print [lots] of warning -c: concatenate the finput files (input files should already be in the correct order) -0: force the strict(er) privacy mode for logs -d: increase debug level (repeat to increase debug level) -s dir: puts the trace analysis results into directory tree dir (otherwise will be .out) -N file: specify the file name which contains the description of the internal networks. This file must contain the subnets that will be considered as 'internal' during the analysis. Each subnet can be specified in one of the following types: - on a single line - on a single line 2001:db8::/32 - on a single line - Pairs of lines with and If the option is not specified all networks are considered internal -M file: specify the file name which contains the description of the MAC addesses that are to be considered internal. MAC addresses must be in the 6 digit - hex notation. Example: 11:22:33:44:55:66 66:55:44:33:22:11 If this option is specified, the -N param is ignored. -C file: specify the file name which contains the description of the cloud networks. This file must contain the subnets that will be considered as belonging to a specific group of networks (cloud) during the analysis. Subnets are specified like in the -N option. -Y file: specify the file name which contains the description of the encrypted networks. This file must contain the subnets for which the IPv4 address will be anonymized using the Crypto-PAn algorithm. Subnets are specified like in the -N option. --keyvalue key: specify a string to be used as the key for address anonymization. Valid only if the -Y option is also specified. Only one option among --keyvalue, --keyfile, and --keybase64 can be used. --keyfile file: specify the file name which contain the plain text key for address anonymization. Valid only if the -Y option is also specified. Only one option among --keyvalue, --keyfile, and --keybase64 can be used. --keybase64 file: specify the file name which contain the Base64 encoded key for address anonymization. Valid only if the -Y option is also specified. Only one option among --keyvalue, --keyfile, and --keybase64 can be used. -W file: specify the file name which contains the description of the whitelisted hosts/networks. This file must contain the subnets for which the IPv4 address will be whitelisted and *NOT* anonymized using the Crypto-PAn algorithm. Subnets are specified like in the -N option. Meaningful only if the -Y option is also specified. -H ?: print internal histograms names and definitions -H file: Read histogram configuration from file file describes which histograms tstat should collect 'include histo_name' includes a single histogram 'include_matching string' includes all histograms whose name includes the string special names are: 'ALL' to include all histograms 'ADX' to include address hits histogram for example, to include all TCP related and the address hits histograms, file should be: include ADX include_matching tcp 'adx_mask N' is a special command to define the size of the netmask used to aggregate the address histograms (e.g. 'adx_mask 24' to use the mask) -g: Enable global histo engine -S: No histo engine: do not create histograms files -L: No log engine: do not create log_* files -1: Use old (v1) log_mm format -B Bayes_Dir: enable Bayesian traffic classification configuration files from Bayes_Dir -T runtime.conf: configuration file to enable/disable dumping of traces and logs at runtime -G globals.conf: configuration file to provide at startup new values to the internal global configuration constants -z file: redirect all the stdout/stderr messages to the file specified -A mask: enable XOR-based anonymization for internal IPv4 addresses. 'mask' is a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal value. -6: disable the L4 processing of IPv6 datagrams -X: disable the DN-Hunter DNS engine -F file: specify the file name which contains the list of DNS domains to be included/excluded from the TCP traffic dump. Activated in the runtime configuration (-T) -Z: Create gzip compressed (.gz) log files. -P: Create gzip compressed (.gz) pcap dump files. -R conf: specify the configuration file for integration with RRDtool. See README.RRDtool for further information -r path: path to use to create/update the RRDtool database -l: enable live capture using libpcap -i interface: specifies the interface to be used to capture traffic -E snaplen: specifies the snaplen size used to capture traffic. It might be overridden by the interface slen size -f filterfile: specifies the libpcap filter file. Syntax as in tcpdump file: trace file to be analyzed Use 'stdin' to read from standard input. Note: When tstat is called with no arguments (on the command line), it will first check if a file is provided in the same directory where the execution started. In the latter case, arguments will be read from rather than from the command line Supported Input File Formats: tcpdump tcpdump format -- Public domain program from LBL snoop Sun Snoop format -- Distributed with Solaris etherpeek etherpeek format -- Mac sniffer program netmetrix Net Metrix format -- Commercial program from HP ns ns format - Network simulator ns2 from LBL netscout NetScout Manager format erf Endace Extensible Record format tcpdump live Live capture using pcap/tcpdump library Live Capture vs Trace Analysis Tstat can sniff and analyze traffic on-line through the use of either the "libpcap" library or Endace DAG cards. The use of Tstat is very easy, especially if you have experiences with "tcpdump", although "tcpdump"'s knowledge is not required to profitably use Tstat. Moreover, advanced users will enjoy the ability of on-line processing of traffic captured with DAG cards. As a minimal configuration, you must describe your network to Tstat. Indeed, in order to distinguish forward and backward paths, Tstat needs to know which host IP addresses can be considered as ``internal'' to the monitored network. There are four different format to specify the internal subnets and if, for example, we use Politecnico di Torino subnets, which are "" and "", we can choose to use one of the following formats: on a single line on a single line 2100:abcd:ef00::/40 fe80::/64 on a single line (only for backward compatibility) pairs of lines with and Note that formats can be mixed in the configuration file and comment lines can be specified using '#' so using following configuration is still correct # this is a comment IPv6 networks can be always included, but they will be considered only if IPv6 support has been enabled at compilation time (as reported by "tstat -v"). In the directory "tstat-conf" are placed the two files "net.all" and "net.private" >cat tstat-conf/net.all # Mask to indicate that all IP subnets are supposed to be internal # The same result is obtained omitting the -N option ::/0 >cat tstat-conf/net.private # Example mask to consider as internal all the subnets in the # 198.168. private addresses range that can be useful for generic elaborations. In any case, if the "-N" option is not specified all networks are considered internal. We can now run Tstat to capture the traffic flowing across our network, with the following command, which must be run as "root" (as you need to capture packets by putting the Ethernet interface in promiscuous mode). The simplest command is the following: ./tstat -l -N net.conf Beside live-capture, it is possible to run Tstat on a previously collected trace file, where the trace format can be any of the following: Supported Input File Formats: tcpdump tcpdump -- Public domain program from LBL snoop Sun Snoop -- Distributed with Solaris etherpeek etherpeek -- Mac sniffer program netmetrix Net Metrix -- Commercial program from HP ns ns -- network simulator from LBL netscout NetScout Manager format erf Endace Extensible Record Format DPMI Distributed Passive Measurement Interface (DPMI) format tcpdump live Live capture using pcap/tcpdump library Tstat will try to read trace files given as input, and to automatically identify the correct dump format. Trace files can be compressed or uncompressed, and Tstat will automatically detect the compression tool used (supported formats are "compress, gzip, bzip2, 7z"). Without loss of generality, we assume to use the first of the above formats. The calling syntax is similar to the previous one, with the exception of the absence of the live-capture switch "-l" and the presence of the name(s) of the file(s) that have to be processed. For example, the following command can be used to analyze a trace file named "LAN.dump.gz". Results of the analysis will be stored in a subdirectory named "trace1"; as before, "net.conf" contains the subnet description that will be considered as ``internal'' during the analysis. ./tstat -s trace1 -N net.conf LAN.dump.gz More Control We can control the interface that we want to sniff from as well as the output directory name as follows: ./tstat -i eth1 -l -s test -Nnet.conf Moreover, we can also pipe Tstat input using the special keyword "stdin" as input, as in the following command (piping ns2 output to Tstat is left as an exercise for the reader): tcpdump -s 80 -i eth0 -w - ip | ./tstat -Nnet.conf -spiped stdin In this case, Tstat is fed by "tcpdump"'s output, and the latter has been instructed to capture packets on the eth0 device, collecting the first 80 bytes (to track uniquely packet headers) of IP packets only, and send the output to "stdout". Moreover, since Tstat understands the "libpcap" syntax, filters can be stored in text files, as in the following command sequence: echo "vlan and ip and host" > tcpdump.conf ./tstat -i eth0 -l -f tcpdump.conf -N net.conf -s filtered Process Signalling While Tstat runs, it is possible to interact with the program using Unix signals. This might be useful if Tstat is executed unsupervised, or without full terminal control (redirecting stdout/stderr using the "-z" option). Currently Tstat reacts to the "USR1" and "INT" signals. Sending a "USR1" signal to a running ‘Tstat’ process makes it print the current flow statistics to standard error and then resume its operations. Sending a "INT" signal to a running ‘Tstat’ process makes it gracefully terminate its operations, writing all the statistics to the output files, flushing and closing the files, and printing the overall flow statistics to stderr before exiting. This is equivalent to interrupting the program pressing "Ctrl-C" from the control terminal. If Tstat is running unsupervised, you should avoid terminating the process using the "KILL" signal ( 'signal -KILL' or 'signal -9'), since it will possibly leave the log files in an inconsistent state, and you should therefore use either the "INT" or the "TERM" signals ('signal -INT' or 'signal -TERM'). Output Tstat collects several network-layer as well as transport-layer measurements, which are described in full details in . As output, Tstat produces four different types of files: histograms, round robin database, packet level traces and other plain text logs. By default Tstat collect all the output results in a directory with the same name of the input trace appending the suffix ".out" or "stding" in case of a live capture: ./tstat -N net.conf trace1.pcap trace2.pcap # output dir: trace1.pcap.out, trace2.pcap.out ./tstat -N net.conf -li eth0 # output dir: generate stdin ./tstat -N net.conf -s trace1 trace1.pcap # output dir: trace1 In any case, inside the output directory is generated a subdirectory named with the timestamp of the first packet analyzed and inside this directory the files generated are organized as follow: `-- 23_00_28_Jun_2008.out |-- 000 | `--- histo_logs |-- 001 | `--- histo_logs ... |-- LAST | `--- histo_logs | |-- traces00 | `--- dump_traces |-- traces01 | `--- dump_traces ... `-- other_logs This means that the RRD output files are not collected inside the output directory, in fact there is a specific command line option (-r) to indicate where this results have to be placed. Recall that Tstat assumes that traces are collected on a bidirectional link, such that both data and control packets belonging to the same flow are observed; with the help of the figures below, we will explain the different classification of measurements used by Tstat. out +---------------------+ | +-----------------+ | | | +-+ in | | | | | | loc | | v | v v v | internal external addresses addresses s2c +---------------------+ | +-----------------+ | | | c2s | | | | | | v | v | client server Tstat identifies hosts based on their IP address. Given the description of the internal hosts through the "-N" command line option, Tstat distinguishes among *incoming*, *outgoing* and *local* measurements. Packets whose destination is an internal host and whose source is an external host will contribute to *incoming* measurements (red arrow in the top figure), whereas packets going in the opposite direction will contribute to *outgoing* measurements (green arrow in the top figure). Finally, in some cases it is possible that Tstat observes packets whose source and destination host belong to the internal host set: in such cases, measurements will be classified as *local* (blue arrow in the top figure). Notice that packets whose source and destination IP addresses belong to the external host set will be discarded. For example, consider a setup in which Tstat is attached to a snoop port of a LAN switch. Then Tstat will be fed by i) *outgoing* packets going to the default gateway, ii) *incoming* packets coming from the default gateway, iii) *local* packets. Note that if you either do not know or do not want to distinguish between internal, external and local hosts, you may enable the "-DLOG_UNKNOWN" (in "tstat/Makefile.conf" or "libtstat/Makefile.conf") directive when compiling. Tstat will then be less strict, but results may be difficult to be correctly interpreted. Considering instead the *role* of the host that sent the packet, statistic are collected distinguishing between *clients* (green arrow in the bottom figure) and *servers* (red arrow in the top figure), i.e., host that opens a connection and and host that replies to connection request. Recall that while TCP connections are well defined, UDP (and RTP/RTCP) connection definition is more fuzzy. In this latter case, Tstat will consider as client the source IP address of the host that sent the first packet of that flow, while the server will be the host identified by the destination IP address of the same packet. Therefore, when applicable, Tstat will keep track of measurements referring to the same measured quantity by *appending* a specific tag (see "Histograms") or using a *flag* (see Logs). Logs Tstat creates a set of TXT flow files in the main output directory: "log_tcp_complete", "log_tcp_nocomplete", "log_udp_complete", "log_mm_complete", "log_video_complete", "log_skype_complete", "log_chat_complete" and "log_chat_messages". TCP flows can be either completed or not depending whether Tstat observed the 3-way handshaking or not; in the first case, all the measured indexes relatively to each flow will be collected in the "log_tcp_complete"; in the latter case, flows are considered as garbage and stored in "log_tcp_nocomplete"; Similarly, a complete log keeping track of each UDP flow measured indexes is maintained in the "log_udp_complete" file. Being UDP basically a connectionless protocol, it is impossible to distinguish among "complete" and "nocomplete" flows in this case. Furthermore the following log files are created: "log_video_complete" and "log_streaming_complete" for TCP video streaming flows (i.e. RTMP or HTTP-based video services like YouTube), "log_mm_complete" for multimedia flows (i.e. RTP, RTCP, etc), "log_chat_complete" for IM protocols (i.e. MSN, Jabber, etc) and "log_skype_complete" for Skype traffic. Description of the file format of each log file can be found in . If Tstat has been compiled with Zlib support, it will directly create gzip compressed logs (.gz) when the command line option "-Z" is used. Internal compression might be CPU demanding: before enabling it, you should consider its possible effects on the Tstat performance. Histograms Histograms are generated periodically to generate the *distribution* of a given quantity within a time interval. Tstat collects all the measurement data during a given measurement interval defined by the "MAX_TIME_STEP" parameter, which is hard-coded in the "tstat/param.h" file to 5 minutes. Please, note that changing the "MAX_TIME_STEP" parameter may affect RRD creation as well. For example, considering the IP packet length, Tstat updates, for each observed IP packet, the counter of the number of observed packets with a particular length. At the end of the measurement period, Tstat then saves the values stored in the histogram in a subdirectory named with a incrementally counter of three digits, resets all the internal values, and then restarts the samples collection. To separate statistics respecting the verse (input, output or local) and the role of a peer in the communications, is appended a tag to files generated: "_out" outgoing: from an internal host to an external host "_in" incoming: from an external host to an internal host "_loc" local between two internal hosts "_c2s" going from the Client to the Server "_s2c" going from the Server to the Client Considering the last example of previous section, we run: ./tstat -s trace1 -N net.conf 23_00_28_Jun_2008.dump.gz The output generated by Tstat consists of a directory tree like the following: trace1 `-- 23_00_28_Jun_2008.out |-- 000 | |-- addresses | |-- flow_number | |-- ip_len_in | ... | |-- udp_port_flow_dst | `-- udp_tot_time |-- 001 | |-- addresses | |-- flow_number | |-- ip_len_in | ... | |-- udp_port_flow_dst | `-- udp_tot_time ... |-- LAST | |-- addresses | |-- flow_number | |-- ip_len_in | ... | |-- udp_port_flow_dst `-- udp_tot_time Subdirectories with increasing numbers will be created for each measurement period with the format "nnn/"; histograms collecting measurement results will be created in these directories; note that the histograms referring to the last *partial* time period will be stored in the LAST subdirectory. The option "-g" adds also the subdirectory GLOBAL containing the global histograms for the whole measurement period. The "-H" has to be used to enable the histogram engine, specifying a configuration file of "?" to have a complete list of the available histograms. The syntax of the configuration file is really simple: include ALL # add all histograms include ADX # histogram to count how many times ip address are used adx_mask 16 # define the size of the netmask for the ADX histogram include ip_len_in # histogram of the ip packet length of the input traffic include_matching ip_ # match all the histograms which name start with 'ip_' Histogram data are saved using simple ASCII files: the first line contains a description of the measured quantity, while the second line contains the parameters of the histograms (minimum and maximum values, and size of each bins). The list of all the counter index and values is then dumped. To limit the file size, the corresponding entry is omitted if the counter is zero. For example, the histogram of the packet length "ip_len_in" looks like: #IP packet length - incoming packets #min=0 bin_size=4 max=1600 28 7 36 277 40 11760 44 3463 ... Simple "Post Processing" tools are available to automatically manage the histogram database. RRD The RRD output consists of a series of binary files stored in the RRD format. Tstat forces a particular *naming notation* of such files, which follows the configuration rules described later in RRD section. The RRD can then be queried with the standard RRDtool commands, such as "rrdcreate", " rrdupdate", " rrdgraph", " rrddump", " rrdfetch", " rrdtune", " rrdlast", " rrdxport", to whose manual pages we refer the reader for further informations. Packet Level Traces Inside Tstat there is a "Deep Packet Inspector - DPI" which is able to identify traffic communications at application level looking the composition of the payload of packets. This feature is controlled by the "Runtime module" and the output files are placed in subdirectories named "tracesNN" where "NN" is an counter incremented every time the runtime configuration is changed. In any case, for each configuration, the input traffic in is splitted in traces with windows of 1 hour, that is, for example, if we start the dump at 9:00 am traces00/udp_complete.pcap0 #all the udp traffic from 9:00 to 10:00 traces00/udp_complete.pcap1 #all the udp traffic from 10:00 to 11:00 ... All the traces are in "pcap" format and, because of the level 2 headers are in general useless for statistic purpose, each packet dumped is composed of a bogus Ethernet header (contains only zeros expect for the "type" field which is IP) followed by the original packet starting from IP header. The input packets can also be truncated after a specific amount of bytes which can be configured using the "snap_len" specific option in the configuration file. If Tstat has been compiled with Zlib support, it will directly create gzip compressed traces (.pcap.gz) when the command line option "-P" is used. Internal compression of the packet traces is highly CPU demanding: before enabling it, you should consider its possible effects on the Tstat performance. Privacy concerns To cope with privacy concerns and possible legal requirements, Tstat has a few options to mitigate the user information exposed in the log files. One main privacy concern is the presence of the actual user IP addresses in logs. To hide this information, Tstat implements two possible solutions. The first one is a simple XOR-based obfuscation of the IPv4 address, activated by the command line option "-A mask". The 32-bit mask is applied only to internal IPv4 addresses, as defined by either the "-N" or the "-M" command line options. If no internal network is defined, all IPs are considered internal and they are all obfuscated, reducing the usefulness of the logs to identify well known services. The XOR-based obfuscation is applied as soon as the IP datagram is parsed, so any saved packet level trace will contain the obfuscated IP addresses. The second solution is a complex cryptographical anonymization of the IP addresses, based on the well known Crypto-PAn[*] algorithm. Crypto-PAn is a prefix-preserving IP anonymizer, and it is activated providing a list of IP networks to be anonymized using the command line option "-Y". The networks are indicated in a format similar to the one used for the "-N" and "-C" command line options. Any IP address matching one of those networks is marked for encryption. Since the anonymization operations are CPU-intensive, any IP address is anonymized only once, the translation cached, and it is actually used only when the IP address must be printed in the logs. Since the original IP address is still used internally by Tstat and the translation is only used when printing the logs, any saved packet level trace will contain the original non encrypted IP addresses. It is possible indicate a list of IP addresses and networks to be excluded from the encryption process using the "-W" command line option with a file in the same format used for the "-N" option. Addresses satisfying both the "-Y" and the "-W" lists will be whitelisted and will appear unencrypted in the log files. The encrytion key used by the Crypto-PAn algorithm can be provided either directly on the command line, using the "--keyvalue" option, or from a file, using either the "--keyfile" or the "--keybase64" options. The "--keyfile" option can be used for a plain text ASCII key, while the "--keybase64" option will treat content as a Base64 encoded key, so its suitable for an encoded binary key. In any case the key is supposed to be 32 bytes long: longer keys are truncated to 32 bytes, and shorter keys are padded with zeros. If no key is provided, a key is generated reading 32 random bytes read from "/dev/random", so it will change every time Tstat starts. Due to the blocking nature of "/dev/random", it might take some time for Tstat to start if there is not enough entropy on the system random generator. The key used in each Tstat session is always saved in Base64 format in a file named CPanKey_ (where *datetime* is the current time of the day) that is created in the log directory root (the one indicated by the "-s" command line option). The generated file is suitable to be later used as the argument of the "--keybase64" option. For the sake of simplicity IPv6 addresses are currently anonymized as 4 IPv4 addresses (after some masking to hide trivial bit patterns): this should maintain the prefix-preserving property and should be sufficient to provide the required privacy. IPv6 addresses are currently not obfuscated ("-A"). There is currently no support in Tstat for obfuscation of TCP/UDP port numbers, since it is of limited usage in a traffic analysis tool such as Tstat. Obfuscated ("-A") addresses are not explicitely indicated in the log files (if they are internal, and obfuscation was active, they are actually obfuscated). The presence of anonymized ("-Y") address is explicitely indicated in the log files in the "c_iscrypto" and "s_iscrypto" columns. The "-A" and "-Y" options are not mutually exclusive, so it is possible to obfuscate the internal addresses and, at the same time, anonymize another, possible overlapping, set of IP addresses. Beside the privacy issues related to the IP addresses, logs contain information that might be considered sensitive, i.e. the URLs information in "log_http_complete" and the YouTube VideoIDs in "log_video_complete". The command line option -0 make Tstat run in privacy mode: in this mode, the runtime.conf option "httplog_full_url" is forced to 0, so that full URLs cannot be logged in "log_http_complete", and the YouTube Video IDs in "log_video_complete" are masked as 'XXX'. [*] Post Processing This section could be a separate HOWTO, since this argument cannot be treated exhaustively. Perl, Awk, Ruby *Your-Favorite-Scripting-Language* scripts are definitively best candidates to post-process "log_*" files. In the Tstat download page and in the source archive, you can find "" and "", two Perl scripts that may be useful to produce either i) time or ii) aggregated plots over different time spans. They directly access the histogram database created by Tstat. Please, refer to . In the source code, in "scripts/MySQL/", you can also find a few Perl scripts to load the main "log_*" files in a simple MySQL database, for further post-processing. RRD files can be manipulated to obtain *indirect* metrics through the RPN manipulations mechanism provided by RRDtool. Storage Considerations To give the user a rough idea of the size of the output, let us consider a 6 hours long, 1.6GB packet-level trace containing 21M packets, sniffed with "tcpdump" that was used throughout this tutorial. Tstat identified and analyzed about 729K flows, of which about 495K were TCP flows, trashing 20K of them into "log_nocomplete". Referring to the output above shown, we can express the following observations: Histogram As previously described, in order to take into account the flow directions, several histograms are dumped for the same variable "var_{in,out,loc,c2s,s2c}". Currently, about 60 measurement indexes, described in , are logged, for a total of 180 files. Each of the "000/", "001/" ... "LAST/" directories is about 500KB-1MB depending on the network traffic and on the file system block allocation mechanism. Therefore, as a rule of thumb, you can count about 1MB of storage due to histograms every 5 minutes of traffic (independently of the amount of actual traffic load during the 5 mins...). This can be useful in order to set the periodic dump timer to the desired trade off among time granularity versus storage size required. RRD The "rrd/" directory is, per construction, of fixed size: this should not be a surprise, since this is the goal of RRD. Therefore, the size of the database does not depend on the amount of network traffic processed, but rather on the RRD configuration. For the standard configuration supplied with Tstat, which is also the one used in our Web server, the whole database occupy only 6MB and consists of about 250 files. Logs The total size of the log files amount to about 200MB, which gives a 8x reduction factor w.r.t. the packet-level trace; or, the storage cost of each flow is about 400 bytes. Note that the "log_*" can be further compressed, using the "-Z" Tstat command line option or "gzip" to less than 50MB, which gives a further 4x size gain; however, for a matter of performance, is preferable to compress the log files *offline*. Finally, consider that on a common PC architecture (specifically, Intel P4 2.40GHz equipped with 2GB of RAM and 7200rpm hard-disk), the whole trace elaboration took only 4 minutes; thus, the analysis rate is roughly 85Kpkts/sec or 3Kflows/sec. RRD Module RRDtool Installation In order to get Tstat RRD module working, you will need to install RRDtool first (refer to the homepage of RRDtool to accomplish this step). The autoconf file "configure" of Tstat then should automatically add the RRD support if it find one (see Complete control of building ). RRD Configuration Tstat RRD configuration is very easy, being centralized in a single text-file, which allows to specify at runtime what measurements should be monitored. The operating frequencies for the RRD sampling (i.e., the parameters for the temporal averages) are hard-coded into "rrdtool.h" and are chosen to mimic MRTG behavior. Again, take care that modifying the "MAX_TIME_STEP" parameter may affect the RRD management as well. The RRD configuration file, specified through the command line option "-R", should contain one line for each of the Tstat parameters that have to be integrated into a Round Robin Database. Each line allows to specify which statistical properties of the variable has to be tracked, as follows: tstat_var1 avg min max stdev var idx:e,f,g,h,other prc:i,j,k where "avg,min,max,stdev,var,idx,prc,other" are keywords, whereas "i,j,k" are floating point numbers and "e,f,g,h" integer values; note that the list of indexes (e.g., TCP ports), values (e.g., packet size) and percentiles are comma separated. The name of the variables are Tstat internal ones: they can be seen by executing "./tstat -H", Alternatively, you can directly look into the "000/" ... "LAST/" directories or or at Valid configuration lines are, e.g.: # # inspect IP packet length average, specific values and distribution # ip_len_in avg prc:50,90,95,99 idx:40,1500,other # # TCP well known ports # # 20 FTP-DATA # 21 FTP # 22 SSH # 23 telnet # 25 SMTP # 80 HTTP # ... # tcp_port_dst_in idx:20,21,22,23,25,80,other # # good approximation of the distribution of the RTT, # taking into account only the incoming path contribution # tcp_rtt_avg_in prc:0.1,1,5,10,25,50,75,90,95,99,99.9 where, evidently, the lines starting with a "#" sign are treated as comments. Our Web server is currently running with the configuration available at . For each specified quantity defined in the rrd.conf file, a corresponding file will be created. For example, consider that the generic configuration line: tstat_var avg min max stdev var idx:e,f,g,h,other prc:i,j,k will produce the following files (13 in total): tstat_var.{avg,min,max,stdev,var}.rrd tstat_var.idx{e,f,g,h,oth}.rrd tstat_var.prc{i,j,k}.rrd Tstat RRD and the Web From the Tstat web site, you can download the most up-to-date version of "tstat_rrd.cgi", which is the CGI script that renders the Web interface. Here is some basic tips to get it working; if you wonder how to write your own graph templates, then you are probably skilled enough to get it on your own ":)" Database Structure The CGI scripts allow to browse on the fly the RRD database structure. The "rrd_data" directory is the root of the tree, where each directory contains either i) other directories (i.e., is a box) or ii) a RRD-database, in which case the node is a leaf and will be shown in the interface. In case that a directory is a plain box, it may optionally contain some files (specifically {"HEADER","FOOTER","README"}.{"html","txt"}) that will be rendered by "tstat_rrd.cgi". By default, the cgi script tries to load the html version; otherwise, it tries to displays "
 `cat FILE`
" if such a FILE exists; finally, it will display a default message held in $default{README} hard coded in the script. Here is an example of the rrd_data directory which holds part of the RRD database accessible from the Tstat web page. rrd_data/ |-- Example |-- GARR | |-- garr-live | `-- garr-old `-- Polito |-- 2000 | |-- Apr | |-- Jun | |-- Jun,post155 | `-- May |-- 2001 | |-- Feb | `-- Jan |-- 2005 | |-- Apr | `-- Feb `-- Current Web Configuration The web configuration really depends on your web server configuration. Few dependencies are required, most notably, the RRD Perl library from the RRDtool installation. It is advisable to store the Tstat RRD files everywhere you want, and then create a symbolic link named "rrd_data" that points to it (i.e., to the root of the RRD database tree). Similarly for the directory where the rendered images should be stored (defaults to "cgi-bin/rrd_images") and can be a symbolic link as well. The names of these symbolic links can be redefined in the configuration section of "tstat_rrd.cgi" if needed: # ____________________________ # / \ # / configuration __________/ # \__________________/.:nonsns:. # # specify path to the root of the rrd database tree # by default, I assume there is a symbolic link in cgi-bin/ # named rrd_data $RRD_DATA = 'rrd_data'; # same thing for image directory # in my case, var/www/cgi-bin/rrd_images is # a symbolic link to "/var/www/html/rrd_images"; # from the html browser's perspective $IMG_DIR = "rrd_images"; Runtime Module This module has been developed with the specific target to try to control the disk occupation and to have a minimal interface to execution process to enable/disable some feature without restarting it. In particular, the system controls two specific outputs: the writing of log files and packet level traces, so is possible to disable the writing of logs (histograms, RRD and all the others) if they became to bigs, and to dynamically change the set of packet level traces to collect. The module works with simple polling system that is it periodically tests if a configuration file, specified with the "-T" option when Tstat is executed, is changed from the previous check and in this case, the new configuration replace the previous one. The polling process is controlled by the global constants "Runtime_Config_Idle" and "Runtime_Mtime_Counter", that can be overriden at startup with the "-G" option, as described in the "Global Constants" section. The configuration file has an "ini" file syntax: > cat tstat-conf/runtime.conf # print logs on disk [log] histo_engine = 0 # logs created by histogram engine rrd_engine = 0 # logs created by rrd engine log_tcp_complete = 0 # tcp connections correctly terminated log_tcp_nocomplete = 0 # tcp connections not properly terminated log_udp_complete = 0 # udp flows log_mm_complete = 0 # multimedia log_skype_complete = 0 # skype traffic log_chat_complete = 0 # MSN/Yahoo/Jabber chat flows log_chat_messages = 0 # MSN/Yahoo/Jabber chat messages log_video_complete = 0 # video (YouTube and others) log_http_complete = 0 # all the HTTP requests/responses # log options [options] tcplog_end_to_end = 0 # End_to_End set of measures (RTT, TTL) tcplog_layer7 = 0 # Layer7 set of measures (TLS cert., message counts) tcplog_p2p = 0 # P2P set of measures (P2P subtype and ED2K data) tcplog_options = 0 # TCP Options set of measures tcplog_advanced = 0 # Advanced set of measures httplog_full_url = 0 # Partial (=1) or full (=2) URLs in log_http_complete videolog_end_to_end = 0 # TCP End_to_End set of measures (RTT, TTL) videolog_layer7 = 0 # Layer7 set of measures (TLS cert., message counts) videolog_videoinfo = 0 # Additional video info (resolution, bitrate) videolog_youtube = 0 # YouTube specific information videolog_options = 0 # TCP Options set of measures videolog_advanced = 0 # Video-related Advanced mesurements (rate) # protocols to dump [dump] snap_len = 0 # max num of bytes to dump from ip hdr (included) # 0 == all bytes slice_win = 0 # dimension (in secs) of the dumping window # used to slice the input traffic in different traces # 0 == no slicing udp_dns = 0 udp_rtp = 0 udp_rtcp = 0 udp_edk = 0 udp_kad = 0 udp_kadu = 0 # KadU network udp_okad = 0 # obfuscated kad udp_gnutella = 0 udp_bittorrent = 0 udp_dc = 0 udp_kazaa = 0 udp_pplive = 0 udp_sopcast = 0 udp_tvants = 0 udp_ppstream = 0 udp_teredo = 0 udp_vod = 0 udp_sip = 0 udp_dtls = 0 udp_quic = 0 udp_unknown = 0 # all the udp traffic that the DPI doesn't recognize tcp_videostreaming = 0 ip_complete = 0 # all the ip traffic (not consider L4 type and if it's used) udp_complete = 0 # all the udp traffic tcp_complete = 0 # all the tcp traffic udp_maxpackets = 0 udp_maxbytes = 0 tcp_maxpackets = 0 tcp_maxbytes = 0 dns_filter = 0 # enable the dns filtering stop_dumping_mask = 0 # bitmask to control the dumping of tcp packets # based on flow classification The file in composed of the three sections "log", "options", and "dump" which indicate which type of log and dump trace to create, and additional information on the log content. Except for a few exceptions, all features are on/off type i.e. 1 and 0 values are used to enable/disable them. One exception is "snap_len", used to indicate the maximum number of bytes dump from the input packet starting from IP level included. For example, supposing to have a simple IP + UDP packet, using "snap_len" = 40 it will be written a packet of 54 bytes 14 (bogus ethernet) + 20 (IP) + 8 (UDP) + 12 (payload) For UDP traffic it can be specified a set of applications so to have a specific dump trace for each application of interest. The unknown traffic i.e. the traffic that the Tstat's DPI is not able to identify, is placed in a separated trace. For example, using the following configuration udp_rtp = 1 udp_edk = 1 udp_bittorrent = 1 udp_unknown = 1 it's expected to have 4 traces i.e. three protocols/applications (RTP, eMule, Bittorrent) and the unknown (for example DNS traffic). Classified TCP complete flows cannot be "safely" dumped, since classification happens after the 3-way handshaking finished, so saved flows would be incomplete. "tcp_videostreaming" is an exception, used to dump TCP flows that were classified as video through the Streaming DPI engine (the ones logged in "log_video_complete"), even if the 3-way handshaking and the first flow payload packets would be skipped. This could be activated if you're interested in performing a secondary analysis on characteristics of the video stream. Beside the traces at application level, it's possible to create three type of aggregated traces. In particular, "udp_complete" is all the UDP traffic (both applications specific and unknown), "tcp_complete" is all the TCP traffic, while "ip_complete" refers to all the traffic that use IP as level 3 without considering the level 4. In other words, "ip_complete" is the aggregation of TCP, UDP and all the other network protocols that use directly IP (ICMP, IPIP, ESP, ...). The three options are NOT to complementary so it's possible to enable all of them contemporary but this obviously means that a TCP/UDP packet it will appear in more than one trace so particular attention should be taken. When dumping all TCP ("tcp_complete") or UDP ("udp_complete") traffic, it is possible to limit the dumping of each flow to either a maximum number of packets or a maximum number of bytes trasferred. For example, to save just the first 30000 bytes or the first 30 segments of each TCP flow (whichever condition if reached first), you can use snap_len = 0 tcp_complete = 1 tcp_maxpackets = 30 tcp_maxbytes = 30000 "udp_maxpackets" and "udp_maxbytes" provide the same functionality for UDP flows. If both "xxx_maxpackets" and "xxx_maxbytes" are set to 0, the complete TCP/UDP flows will be saved, with no size limitation. "dns_filter" enables the filter based on DNS names requested by clients. You can see the tstat-conf/DNS_filter_example.txt file for more details. A filename must be provided with the "-F" command line option, and its content cannot be changed at runtime. "stop_dumping_mask" is a bitmask that is used to stop dumping tcp packets of flows we are not interested to. It is a bitmask based on protocol.h types that the con_type can take. Setting this to 0 will keep logging everything. Setting a bit to 1 will stop logging packets of those protocol as soon as the classifier set those flags (e.g., setting it to 1025 (1+1024), all http and smtp traffic will be discarded). As for other parameters, the value can be set either as a decimal number, or as an hexadecimal number (prefixing it with 0x). Note that we cannot discard those packets of a flow that we have seen before actually identifying the protocol. For example, three-way-handshake segments will be always there. Examples: stop_dumping_mask = 262143 # => 11 1111 1111 1111 1111 discard everything # we know except UNKNOWN stop_dumping_mask = 262142 # => 11 1111 1111 1111 1110 log only UNKNOWN and HTTP stop_dumping_mask = 0x3DFFF # => 11 1101 1111 1111 1111 log only UNKNOWN and SSL/TLS stop_dumping_mask = 1 # => 00 0000 0000 0000 0001 log everything which is not HTTP stop_dumping_mask = 0 # => log everything During the runtime execution of Tstat, the configuration file is controlled periodically looking for changes in the options. In this way, when Tstat is used for online monitoring, is possible to interact with the dumping module without the need to restart the program. When a change is identified a new "tracesNN" output directory is created in the root output directory to collect all the new traces and is also generated a file called "log.txt" that indicate the dump configuration used for that particular dump. Since the parameters in the "options" section control the output format of the log files, when a change is sensed to any of them, the old log files are closed, and a new output directory is created. Global Constants The dimensions of the internal data structures and some key operational parameters are defined in Tstat at compilation time (in source file "param.h"). To allow some flexibility in Tstat deployment on live probes, like tailoring the capture process to the actual traffic, the default internal values can be overriden, providing new values at startup using the "-G" command line option and a "ini" file. The "ini" file dedicated to the global constants is identified by the "[globals]" header, valid only in "-G" context and that cannot appear in the runtime configuration Tstat "ini" file ("-T"). A complete commented example of "ini" is provided in the Tstat source distribution as the file "tstat-conf/globals.conf". We report here a simplified list of the available parameters. > cat tstat-conf/globals.conf [globals] # Important for the system dimensioning max_tcp_pairs = 180000 # Max number of tracked TCP flows max_udp_pairs = 360000 # Max number of tracked UDP flows hash_table_size = 2000003 # Size of the TCP/UDP flow hashes # Important for the system performances tcp_idle_time = 300.0 # Timeout to close regular TCP flows [seconds] udp_idle_time = 200.0 # Timeout to close regular UDP flows [seconds] tcp_singleton_time = 10.0 # Timeout to close singleton TCP flows [seconds] udp_singleton_time = 10.0 # Timeout to close singleton UDP flows [seconds] gc_cycle_time = 5.0 # Duration of the Garbage Collection cycle [seconds] gc_split_ratio = 10000 # Number of partitions of the Garbage Collection cycle # Change only if the default values are too small max_adx_slots = 70001 # Size of the hash for IP address hit counter max_internal_hosts = 100 # Max number of internal networks (-N) max_cloud_hosts = 100 # Max number of 'cloud' networks (-C) max_crypto_hosts = 40 # Max number of encrypted networks (-Y) max_white_hosts = 100 # Max number of whitelisted networks (-W) max_internal_ethers = 20 # Max number of Ethernet addresses for internal traffic (-M) max_crypto_cache_size = 130000 # Size of the LRU cache used in address encryption dns_cache_size = 100000 # Size of the IPv4 DNS cache used by the DNhunter module dns_cache_size_ipv6 = 1000 # Size of the IPv6 DNS cache used by the DNhunter module # Change to tailor the logging activity runtime_config_idle = 21.0 # Check interval for runtime.conf file (-T) runtime_mtime_counter = 3 # Check cycles for runtime.conf (-T) max_time_step = 300.0 # Interval for histogram/RRD collection [seconds] dirs = 12 # Number of Max_Time_Step intervals for each log directory rate_sampling = 1.0 # Interval for TCP flow rate measures [seconds] # Very specific, change at your risk max_seg_per_quad = 100 # Max number of segments in flow recostructions list_search_dept = 200 # Lenght of the linear search for TCP/UDP flows entropy_sample = 60 # Number of bytes per packet used for encryption detection entropy_threshold = 3.7 # Entropy threshold used for encryption detection min_delta_t_tcp_dup_pkt = 2000.0 # Interarrival time for TCP DUP detection [microseconds] min_delta_t_udp_dup_pkt = 1000.0 # Interarrival time for UDP DUP detection [microseconds] Parameter names are case-insensitive. Values in the "[globals]" section can have integer or floating point value. Types are loosely enforced, i.e. integer values can be provided to floating point parameters, but not the opposite. A warning or an error message is generated when the value or the type of a parameter is not correct or cannot be safely converted to the right type. DPMI Module To the experienced DPMI user, it can turn very useful to think of Tstat in terms of a DPMI consumer, thus suitable for live usage. Basically, two configuration files need to be provided in this case. Tstat Configuration for DPMI Especially for this purpose, Tstat can be executed without any argument on the command line, provided that a file named "tstat.conf" exists in the same path where the "tstat" command has been executed. Note that the filename MUST be in this case "tstat.conf" In the latter case, arguments will be read from "tstat.conf" rather than from the command line, which makes Web-based execution easier -- it just requires the creation of a text file. Typically, the content of the file will be one of the two following cases. When only the RRD module need to be turned on, which is specially suitable for the persistent monitoring of a network link: -D dpmi.conf -S -R rrd.conf -r data.rrd Or, in the case where more detailed transport layer logs and histograms are to be generated, such as for shorter ad-hoc experiment: -D dpmi.conf -s data Note that the "dpmi.conf" filename, which is the object of the next section, is customizable. DPMI Configuration for Tstat This file is used by Tstat in order to properly set-up the DPMI library and, possibly, its filters. There are only two keywords that are interpreted by Tstat, and *the whole* content of this file is passed to the DPMI's "createfiler" library call. Tstat-keywords are prepended by the "tstat:" prefix, to solve any ambiguity, and are related to the type of stream and measurement direction. More specifically, "tstat:(file|(tcp|udp|eth)[:port])" Specify whether a tracefile or a network socket (and in this case, which port) is the source of DPMI traffic. Note that in the case where a tracefile is used, there is no real need to specify this, since the format recognition happens automatically; thus, the "tstat:file" keyword is provided for completeness. Conversely, options such as "tstat:eth" and "tstat:tcp:32449" are necessary in order for network sockets to properly be setup. "tstat:MP:CI" This option is used to define the traffic directionality, specifying what network card interface (CI) and the measurement point (MP) are related to *incoming* traffic from external sources. Referring to the DPMI library internals: CI <-> char nic[8]; MP <-> char mampid[8]; In order to provide a safe fallback or a missing configuration, unless otherwise specified, the first received frame is assumed to be ``incoming'', thus arbitrarily determining the incoming CI:MP couple. Bayesian Classification of Skype Traffic The Bayesian framework is configured through a directory ("-B" command line option) containing several configuration files. A example of configuration is provided under the "tstat-conf" directory so please refer to this directory reading this explanation. In the configuration directory two files have to be placed, named "pktsize.conf" and "avgipg.conf" which define the parameters used by the classification framework to describe the packet size and average inter-packet gap. Both files have the same format specified in the example below: # ____________________________ # / \ # / BayesConf __________/ # \__________________/.:nonsns:. # #=============================================== # feature name #----------------------------------------------- # Known Skype features: # PKTSIZE # AVGIPG # FEATURE AVGIPG # #=============================================== # default flags #----------------------------------------------- # USE_LOG 1 # NORMALIZE 1 # AUTO_OTHER 0 # WINDOW_SIZE 1 CLASS_LEN 250 MIN_THRESHOLD 1e-25 AVG_THRESHOLD -3.5 WIN_THRESHOLD -3 # #=============================================== # class definition #----------------------------------------------- # syntax # DISCRETE class P{class} # GAUSSIAN class P{class} mu sigma # GAUSSIAN+ class P{class} N (w1,m1,s1) .. (wN,mN,sN) # # note: P{class} may be "=" # GAUSSIAN mode1 = 10 2 GAUSSIAN mode2 = 20 2 GAUSSIAN mode3 = 30 2 GAUSSIAN mode4 = 40 2 GAUSSIAN mode5 = 50 2 GAUSSIAN mode6 = 60 2 The keyword "FEATURE" is used to specify which type of statistic the configuration file is refered to. In the example above we are dealing with the average inter-packet gap, and specifying "PKTSIZE" we will describe packet size feature. Each feature then has a set of flags and other options values that can be used to change the configuration of the NBC engine. Default parameter are strongly suggested, but in case you want to experiment with different combinations, you can try to change them. "USE_LOG": If set to 1, the function log10() is applied to the probability values instead to use the actual probability value; this avoids eventual underflow errors when dealing with very low probabilities. "NORMALIZE": If set to 1, the beliefs computed are re-normalized in the range 0:1; this option is valid only if USE_LOG is disabled (by default is enabled); "WINDOW_SIZE": The number of packets after which recompute beliefs (by default after each packet); "CLASS_LEN": The maximum value assumed by the feature and is used to compute class probability distribution functions (by default is 0); "MIN_THRESHOLD": A positive small value that replace the value 0 in the computation of beliefs to avoid underflows because of logarithm function (by default 1e-33); "AVG_THRESHOLD": The static threshold used to compare the maximum computed belief and take the classification. "WIN_THRESHOLD": A static threshold is used to count the number of individual samples (rather than their mean) that passes a more restrictive test (indeed the window threshold is greater than the average threshold). Important configuration parameters are the ``modes'' which must be carefully defined. Modes are the set of p.d.f. that describe the expected distribution of the feature. Modes may be described as a "DISCRETE" function, that is a generic distributions, or as a "GAUSSIAN" function, that is a gaussian (or a superposition of a gaussian) distribution. Each mode then is associated with a name and a probability which is used as a weight. If '=' is used instead of a weight specific values, all weight are assumed to be uniform. The special type "GAUSSIAN+" may be used to define a mode composed of "N" different gaussian distributions. Each function is defined by mean and standard deviaton sigma and the weight of the mixture have to be specified. Assuming that you have configured both average ipg and packet size feature in a directory named "bayes_conf_dir" the classification engine can be enabled simply specifying the "-B" command line option: # using live capture mode ./tstat -l -B -N net.conf # using a packet dump trace ./tstat -B -N net.conf tracefile.dump Libtstat library Libtstat is a shared library that can be used by external programs to access to the statistics and classification features provided by Tstat. As described in the Install section of this document, to enable the building of Libtstat library is needed to provide a configure option ./configure --enable-libtstat Link the Libtstat library When the library is installed in the system using "make install" the following messages are printed on the console ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Libraries have been installed in: /usr/local/lib If you ever happen to want to link against installed libraries in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use libtool, and specify the full pathname of the library, or use the `-LLIBDIR' flag during linking and do at least one of the following: - add LIBDIR to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable during execution - add LIBDIR to the `LD_RUN_PATH' environment variable during linking - use the `-Wl,--rpath -Wl,LIBDIR' linker flag - have your system administrator add LIBDIR to `/etc/' See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for more information, such as the ld(1) and manual pages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This indicate where the library has been installed and how to link that to some program. The most simple thing to do, is to use the native libtool support for automake, that is, assuming that "program_name" is the name of the executable of the tool to generate, it is needed to add the following lines to "" of the tool: program_name_LDADD = -ltstat -lpcap -lpthread -lm program_name_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--rpath -Wl, This allow a fined control on the directory where the library has been installed. Anyway, if it has been installed in a standard library location (as "/usr/lib"), instead of the previous lines, it can be added AC_CHECK_LIB([tstat], [tstat_next_pckt],, AC_MSG_ERROR([missing 'tstat' library])) in "" of the current project. This automatically look for the presence of a function tstat_next_pckt() in a system library named "libtstat". In case of error of error print a message stopping the configuration process, instead in case of success, are automatically added all the linking options needed to build the program (see the autotools files in "libtstat-demo" for a complete example). Libtstat API Tstat's elaborations are perfomed starting from the level 3 (IP) so its is input is a simple array of bytes that contains a packet starting from level 3. This means is the external program that has to open a trace or read a packet from a network card and to parse all the level 2 headers just to have a pointer to the IP header. From this point of view, it can be said that Tstat is simply a wrapper around Libtstat that add only the support to parse a set of level 2 headers. int tstat_init (char *config_fname) "config_fname" is a file name containing a set of Tstat options, one for each line >cat tstat-conf/tstat.conf #-s outdir # output directory -N net.all # network config file #-B bayesdir # directory of the bayes config files #-d # debug If NULL is provided, the library use "./tstat.conf" as filename. void tstat_new_logdir (char *filename, struct timeval *pckt_time) This function has to be called before the process of the first packet and allow to generate the output directory using this hierarchy: .out |__.out int tstat_next_pckt (struct timeval *pckt_time, void *ip_hdr, void *last_ip_byte, int tlen, ip_direction) This function enable the processing of a new packet. "pckt_time" is the timestamp of the packet, "ip_hdr" is a pointer to the first ip byte, "last_ip_byte" is a pointer to the last ip byte, and "tlen" is the number of total bytes (captured). Instead "ip_direction" indicates if the packet is incoming or outgoing. Possible values : * 0: use the address based classification provided by the -N option * 1: packet is treated as having internal source and internal destination (local packet) * 2: packet is treated as having internal source and external destination (outgoing packet) * 3: packet is treated as having external source and internal destination (incoming packet) * 4: packet is treated as having external source and external destination (external packet, will be ignored) tstat_report *tstat_close (tstat_report *report) This function flush to file all the pending statistics and fill a tstat_report structure with some general results. void tstat_print_report (tstat_report *report, FILE *file) This function print a formatted report to file using tstat_report data. Author Informations Active authors: Maurizio Munafo' Alessandro Finamore Other active authors: Marco Mellia Dario Rossi Martino Trevisan Other authors: Andrea Carpani, Luca Muscariello, Dario Bonfiglio, Robert Birke, Vinicius Gehlen, Ignacio Bermudez Other links: Telecommunication Networks Group (TNG) DET, Politecnico di Torino Acknowledgment Many people contributed to the development of Tstat. Tstat would never have seen the light had not "TCPTrace" being invented. Many thanks to Shawn Ostermann and to the Ohio University for their great program. Many Master and PhD students took part in the development and debugging of Tstat. Naming all of them would be impossible. We would then like to thank Luca Muscariello for the entropy generated in the TCP anomalies identification, and Prof. Marco Ajmone Marsan and Prof. Fabio Neri who gave us the moral and scientific support to continue investing in Tstat. License Copyright (c) 2001-2015 Politecnico di Torino. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.