Instructions ============ Tstat can be compiled to be run with no (or little) modifications over an Android device (rooted) You are supposed to know how to develop and compile an Android application, so we are leaving out all the grisly Android details and we will just give a brief overview of the cross-compilation procedure. - Install the SDK and the NDK from the Android site - Follow the instructions in $NDK/docs/STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html to setup your own toolchain. This should result in the suitable compilation tool being in your $PATH - Compile an Android ARM compatible version of libpcap - Move to the Tstat source directory and follow the normal compilation procedure $ ./ $ [...ENVIRONMENT options...] ./configure --enable-android [...other configure options...] $ make The "ENVIRONMENT options" are the options to be defined so that the configure script can define the correct compilation parameters. For example: CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc \ CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++ \ LDFLAGS=-L/path/to/libpcap \ CPPFLAGS=-I/path/to/include/libpcap The "other configure options" will be the ones normally needed for Android cross-compilation, like --host and/or --build. - After the compilation, tstat should be ready to be run over the (rooted) Android device, like a normal command line application, with the same command line options and configuration files used on any other device. As an expert Android developer, you should know how to install the application on the device NOTICE: all the procedure is rather experimental and we cannot provide support for any Android compilation and deployment issue. Any suggestion on improvements to the installation procedure is welcomed.